What the

Marshals Do

Preventing Pests before they
become a problem


Our Marshal’s Shield Service stops pests in their tracks before they can enter your home.

No contracts. We’re here for you when you need us.

100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Marshals are locally trained and experts in their field.

Our treatments are EPA approved and environmentally responsible.

Pest Control Suited to Your Budget & Your Schedule

Call the Marshal’s


The Marshals are locally trained, licensed, insured professionals with a passion for pest control. Our rigorous expert-based training program insures that the Marshal that services your home or business is a master in pest control.


It is our top priority to keep our customers bite pest by providing the best pest control services in the industry. Our treatments can protect your home or business from each and every type of pest. We are here to let our customers and their families enjoy their lives without the stress or even thought of pests. Explore our services to see all the ways that Pest Marshals can serve your pest control needs.

Pest Marshals not only enjoys making sure that our customers can live their lives pest free, we also love being a part of the community. We encourage all our franchisees to be philanthropic with their labor and money in their local towns and cities. We are a community company, and we take it seriously!

We appreciate you, and we hope you will like us! We will work tirelessly to win you over at Pest Marshals! Stay in touch with us and find us on your favorite social media channels. Tell us what you love about our services or let us know how we can improve. We want to hear from you!